Category: Antiques

Stepping Back In Time For Barn Cottage

Stepping Back In Time For Barn Cottage

We all have our favourite furnishing schemes and when it comes to home decor, I guess we all feel we know what goes best. . . . .  I was therefore totally amazed when visiting an older lady and had a tour around her quaint but fair to say, unique barn cottage.   Her place is on the edge of a country lane of odd barns and workers’ cottages that once belonged to the ‘Hall’.  My pal bought a run down dump twenty years ago and has steadily done a room at a time.  She’s had help from interior designers and builders.  Her favourite contractors though were the furniture and antique suppliers.  My word she has good taste.  Beautiful oak dressers adorn each bedroom and one has a victorian wash stand complee with porcelain bowl and pitcher.  The kitchen has free standing cabinets made of oak – new and clean, well fitting doors but that don’t detract from he feeling of stepping back in time that she has most certainly achieved.

Countryside Holiday Beats Squashed Beach Seats

Countryside Holiday Beats Squashed Beach Seats

Wow what a strange summer we had this year – started off with late snow and frosts with coldest temperatures for years, then suddenly as if by magic a warm spring came, only to be washed and blown away befre a truly amazing summer. Heat and dryness that we’ve never experienced since our UK records began.  Thoughts of quiet countryside holidays came to our familie’s collective minds this year – although summer holidays are meant to be on the beach – there was something ghastly about the prospect of sharing my square metre of sandy beach too closely with Joe Public.  However the very prospect of a country living, even for a short holiday period is so divine.  Gorgeous old  buildings with character – not  necessarily all  beams and thatches, but thick walls, inglenooks; funny little staircases halfway up the wall and oddly unfitted kitchens.  knowing families have lived together over the centuries is a lovely feeling.

Cottage Stay Needed To Restore Common Sense

Cottage Stay Needed To Restore Common Sense

I really love the idea of living in a thatched cottage.  I’m not sure what has brought this back up to the surface but I’ve found myself more than once lately, thinking how to downsize from my current very comfortably proportioned 4 bed detached.     The idea is of course pretty ludicrous.  I have large furniture here because when I moved in from a smaller place, my then three piece suite looked daft, far too squat and tiny for the size room.  so I have room by room changed all the furniture accordingly.  To then have to sell this and revert back to doll’s size bed, tiny chest of drawers, small kitchen units etc. is pushing the realms of fantasy.  I love the idea of the older real wood country style furniture – it appeals so much more than the modern scandi self builds that feature still in my living room!

Authentic Country Furniture Lives On In Villages

Authentic Country Furniture Lives On In Villages

You only really appreciate the words country furniture when you have experienced an authentic village house way up in the hills in Cyprus.  In a village half way p the Troodos mountains I know of a chap who is almost 101 year old – he and his live in maid/companion live in a simple village house made of stone, with a fireplace and open chimney in the corner of the main room.  There are two very basic wood and bamboo chairs and a low slung sofa bed affair made of a wooden frame and bamboo plaited across, this supports a matress made of sheeps wool that is spun and then dyed.  Once dry it goes through the family loom in the yard.  The ‘matress’ is filled with feathers and more sheeps wool.    The matress is then folded to suit a sofa or left flat to use as a bed.  The simplicity if wonderful.

Valuing & Retaining Country Furniture Styles

Valuing & Retaining Country Furniture Styles

Even in a modern house, it is possible to have antique and very old furniture to bring the two worlds together.   quite often of course, it is done the other way around.  A very old house is ripped apart, walls out and terrifyingly modern kitchens and bathrooms are installed to make it all open plan and clean minimalist lines.   But sometimes it can be a real treat to find a family that has been inspired to treat their home like a temple of age and respect for our forebears.  Collecting and keeping safe the old country furniture is not so mad – these wonderful pieces need our love and care otherwise it will all be lost for ever.  A trestle table, or a tester from the local chapel – these retain links with a local past which otherwise disappears to the usual sad lament.  Too late they cry!

Tantalising Tea Shop Meanderings

Tantalising Tea Shop Meanderings

I do love going out into the countryside – walking out along the lanes is just so relaxing and therapeautic, most of the time anyway.  It can get a bit tense when you have to encounter dog walkers, bike riders, and the like.  But when I think back to books and articles on the old country houses, they had a lot more going on along the lanes.  Carriages from the big house would take up a vast space, going rather slower than today’s mode of transport.  Then there was the twice yearly livestock movements – in the spring there would be the sheep with their lambs turfed out into the grassy fields, as was cattle, pigs and fowl.   I like to think of these regular events when I’m sitting in country tea rooms with their  lovely old furniture and it feels like I am part of this old unchanging world.  At least for a few minutes here and there.

1920s Style Tables & Chairs Absolutley In Keeping

1920s Style Tables & Chairs Absolutley In Keeping

When you have connections with a historic heritage property, the world around you takes on a whole new feeling.  I never usually take notice of the age or style of a settee or dining room table.  I don’t particularly care about the size or design of the chairs or dresser – although I can tell an antique dresser or trestle table, that much I can manage.  Now that I have been a volunteer at a very popular heritage property, I see things from a completely different angle.  In their tea room they have table and chair sets that are very quaint looking but actually extremely rugged and hard wearing – for obvious reasons.  They would be lovely in a home setting too, as would the heavily adorned dresser on the side wall.  These are so in keeping with the era of the house and they look perfect in situ.  Knowing the style that suits the house is half the battle.

Buying The Country Theme In One Complete Package

Buying The Country Theme In One Complete Package

I have a young relative who with her partner moved from a compact starter home to their dream house in the country.  The move involved much more than just changing houses though.  Once they had waved the removal folk goodbye, they unpacked the essentials and scooted off to check on their long list of newly ordered furnishing items from an independent maker and supplier who had exactly the country furnishing theme they so desired.  It had always been their intention to change up from smart, convenient modular furniture to massive, comfortable 4 seater sofas and this has now been achieved with aplomb.  Together with beautiful stag shaped lamp stands for the floor and tables.  With their garden meeting the edge of the wood surrounding the stately home next door, this back drop couldn’t be more perfect. On the walls are photos of the house in a previous incarnation, as aperfect thatched cottage.

Danish Elm Simplicity Rarer By The Day

Danish Elm Simplicity Rarer By The Day

I have a particlar love of looking at certain room settings when I go out to the furniture emporiums – I’m not one for the massive squashy sofa that seats half the family in one go.  I feel distinctly uncomfortable lounging about on one of those, there is no back support at all and I find myself leaning forwards to see out!  I have a very sympathetic eye for the starkly modern look – furniture wise rather than buildings.   There is something beautifully simple about some of the 1960s danish dining sets.  Not all of them by any means.  Just one or two have sleek unadorned tables with very neatly designed legs that are formed by an A frame – thus not causing too much annoyance to the dining guest who might otherwise have to clamber either side of hefty table legs.   The light coloured elm wood of course is now scarce due to elm disease.  But I still love them all!

Super Country Feel To Beams & Aged Furniture

Super Country Feel To Beams & Aged Furniture

Ah how I remember back to the old days when I was never quite able to appreciate the beauty of beams in any property conversion.   I would see these great barns on the property programmes on tv, the host or hostess would stand back, as the parties trying to move are standing below, absolutely agog at the wonder of all the cross beams and arched beams.  I always thought they looked a bit heavy and out of place in an otherwise super modern looking environment.  Wrong!  Now that I have close relatives who do enjoy exactly this scene every day, with carefully preserved beams running along the landing between and through the bedrooms.  I have only nearly bopped myself on them, but having been thoroughly warned, I remember to bob a cursey.  The furniture chosen for the home has really brought those beams alive now – exactly the right painted oak to lighten and refresh.