Seriously Good Marble Cold Food Storage

The lovely thing I like about living beyond the town is being able to visit old properties within easy walking distance.  The old rectory is up the road and this house dates back to the 1640s in parts.  It has the most fantastic atmosphere when you get inside the back kitchen.   Firstly the floor is still just impacted earth, that’s been there under matting for hundreds of years.  It’s so fantastic to imagine just how many pairs of feet have trodden over it.  All th history that has made its mark on the walls and surfaces.  The cooking range is quite old and was slotted in the alcove where an original fire pit had been, the range needed a chimney which was already there.  There are bread ovens either side of this alcove, cast iron oven doors open up in the wall and are an interesting feature.  The larder is off to the side and has quarry tiles that stay seriously  cold and this is reflected in the marble shelving – 3 deep sheets of spacious food storage!  Then add the gorgeous table and chairs that match the dresser on which the chinawear is displayed.  Wooh and fabulous space for we mortals to sit imbibing coffee occationally.